What exactly does RDL Energy Services do?
RDL Energy Services provides high-quality, trained contract personnel and payroll services.
How often does RDL pay?
RDL’s pay period is Monday through Sunday; therefore your money will be mailed or directly deposited into your account Friday.
How can I apply for a job?
You may print and fax the application from our website or visit the office and speak with a staff member.
What should I bring to the interview?
Current resume, driver’s license, social security card, and copies of all certifications.
What type of companies use RDL?
Companies are interested in providing quality employees and payroll services.
How long does it take to be placed?
It depends upon the candidate’s qualifications and positions requested by the client.
What does RDL bring to my reputation?
A well-respected staffing company servicing the needs of large and small businesses interested in providing quality employees.